Academic Journals

LaMarre, A., Gilbert, K., & Scalise, P. (2022). What are we aiming for? Exploring tensions in healthcare provider perspectives on and communications about eating disorder recovery. Feminism & Psychology.

Hower, H., LaMarre, A., Bachner-Melman, R., Harrop, E.N., McGilley, B., & Kenny, T.E. (2022). Conceptualizing eating disorder recovery research: Current perspectives and future research directions. Journal of Eating Disorders, 10, Article 165.

Smoliak, O., Rice, C., LaMarre, A., Tseliou, E., LeCouteur, A., & Davies, A. (2022). Gendering of care and care inequalities in couple therapy. Family Process, 61(4), 1386-1402.

LaMarre, A., Rice, C., Friedman, M. & Fowlie, H. (2022). Carrying stories: Digital storytelling and the complexities of intimacy, relationality, and home spaces. Qualitative Research in Psychology. 

LaMarre, A., Levine, M., Holmes, S. & Malson, H. (2022). An open invitation to productive conversations about feminism and the spectrum of eating disorders (part 1): Basic principles of feminist approaches. Journal of Eating Disorders, 10(1) 

LaMarre, A., Levine, M., Holmes, S. & Malson, H. (2022). An open invitation to productive conversations about feminism and the spectrum of eating disorders (part 2): Potential contributions to the science of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Journal of Eating Disorders, 10(1) 

Lewthwaite, M. & LaMarre, A. (2022). “That's just healthy eating in my opinion” - Balancing understandings of health and ‘orthorexic’ dietary and exercise practices. Appetite. Online early view.

Pausé, C., McAllister, T.G., Simpson, A.B., Graham, R., Calloway, L., Gillon, A., Halcrow, S., Jones, R., Keene, S., LaMarre, A., Parker, H., Powell, D., Santa Maria, T., Tohiariki, B., Tumilty, E., Vandewiele, C., Watkins, A., & Withey-Rila, C. (2021). Teeth are for chewing: a critical review of the conceptualisation and ethics of a controversial intraoral weight-loss device. British Dentistry Journal, 231, 675-679.

LaMarre, A. (2021). Embodying artistic reflexive praxis: An early career academic's reflections on pain, anxiety, and eating disorder recovery research. Forum: Qualitative Social Research.

Smoliak, O., LaMarre, A., Rice, C., Tseliou, E., LeCouteur, A., Myers, M., Vesely, L., Briscoe, C., Addison, M. & Velikonja, L. (2021). The politics of vulnerable masculinity in couple therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 

Rice, C., Riley, S., LaMarre, A., & Bailey, KA. (2021). What a body can do: Rethinking body functionality through a feminist materialist disability lens. Body Image, 38, 95-105.

LaMarre, A., Rice, C. & Besse, K. (2021). Letting bodies be bodies: Exploring relaxed performance in the Canadian performance landscape. Studies in Social Justice, 15(2), 184-208.

LaMarre, A. & Rice, C. (2021) Recovering uncertainty: Eating disorder recovery in context. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. E-pub ahead of print.

Bachner-Melman, R., de Vos, J.A, Zohar, A.H., Shalom, M., Mcgilley, M., Oberlin, K., Murray, L., Andrea LaMarre, A. & Dooley-Hash, S. (2021). Attitudes towards eating disorders clinicians with personal experience of an eating disorder. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 26, 1881–1891

Rice, C., Pendleton-Jimenez, K., Robinson, M., Harrison, E., LaMarre, A. & Andrew, J. (2020). Bodies at the intersection: Reconfiguring intersectionality through queer women's creative accounts of their complex embodiments. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 46(1).

LaMarre, A., & Rice, C. (2020). The eating disorder recovery assemblage: Collectively generating possibilities for eating disorder recovery. Feminism and Psychology. E-pub ahead of print.

LaMarre, A., Riley, B., Jain, R., Zupko, B., & Buetti, D. (2020). Chronic disease prevention evaluation in Ontario’s public health system: a qualitative needs assessment. Canadian Journal of Public Health. E-pub ahead of print.

LaMarre, A. & Rice, C. (2020). Healthcare providers’ engagement with eating disorder recovery narratives: opening to complexity and diversity. Medical Humanities. E-pub ahead of print.

LaMarre, A., D'Avernas, E., Raffoul, A., Riley, B. & Jain, R. (2020). A rapid review of evaluation capacity building strategies for chronic disease prevention. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. E-pub ahead of print

LaMarre, A., Rice, C., Cook, K. & Friedman, M. (2020). Fat reproductive justice: Navigating the boundaries of reproductive health care. Journal of Social Issues, 76(2), 338-362.

Rice, C., LaMarre, A., Douglas, P. & Changfoot, N. (2020). Making spaces: Multimedia storytelling as reflexive, creative praxis. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 17(2), 222-239.

Cook, K., LaMarre, A., Rice, C. & Friedman, M. (2019). “This isn’t a high-risk body”: Reframing Risk and Reducing Weight Stigma in Midwifery Practice. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice, 18 (1), 26-34.

LaMarre, A. & Roosen, K. (2019) Navigating differences within eating disorders and “the other”: What the professional brings and what they leave behind. The Journal of the National Eating Disorders Information Centre, 1(1), 18-24.

Gotovac, S., LaMarre, A. & Lafrienere, K. (2018). Words with weight: The construction of obesity in eating disorders research. Health, 24(2), 113-131.

LaMarre, A., Smoliak, O., Cool, C., Kinavey, H. & Hardt, L. (2018). The normal, improving and productive self: Unpacking neoliberal governmentality in therapeutic interactions. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 32(3), 236-253.

Chandler, E., Rice, C., Changfoot, N., Mykitiuk, R. & LaMarre, A. (2018). Cultivating Disability Arts in Ontario. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 40(3), 249-264.

Lind, E.R.M., Kotow, C., Rice, C., Rinaldi, J., LaMarre, A., Friedman, M. & Tidgwell, T. (2017). Re-conceptualizing Temporality in and through Multi-Media Storytelling: Making Time with Through Thick and Thin. Fat Studies, 7(2), 181-192.

Rinaldi, J., Rice, C., LaMarre, A., McPhail, D. & Harrison, E. (2017). Fatness and failing citizenship. Somatechnics, 7(2), 218-233. 

LaMarre, A. & Rice, C. (2017). Hashtag Recovery: #Eating Disorder Recovery on Instagram. Social Sciences, 6(3), 68.

LaMarre, A., Rice, C. & Jankowski, G. (2017). Eating disorder prevention as biopedagogy. Fat Studies

de Vos, J.A., LaMarre, A., Radstaak, M., Bijkerk, C.A., Bohlmeijer, E.T. & Westerhof, G.J. (2017). Identifying Fundamental Criteria for Eating Disorder Recovery: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-Analysis. Journal of Eating Disorders, 5(34)

Sutherland, O., LaMarre, A. & Rice, C. (2017). The primacy of discourse in the study of gender in family therapy. Family Process, 56(3), 669-685. DOI: 10.1111/famp.12294

Sutherland, O., LaMarre, A., Rice, C., Hardt, L. & LeCouteur, A. (2017). New sexism in couple therapy: A discursive analysis. Family Process., 56(3), 686-700. DOI: 10.1111/famp.12292

Pileggi, V., Holliday, J., de Santis, C., LaMarre, A., Jeffrey, N., Tetro, M. & Rice, C. (2017). Becoming scholars in an interdisciplinary, feminist learning context. The Feminist Teacher, 26(1).

Sutherland, O., LaMarre, A., Rice, C., Jeffrey, N. & Hardt, L. (2016). Gendered Patterns of Interaction: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of Couple Therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy, 38(4), 385–399.

Rinaldi, J., Rice, C., LaMarre, A., Pendleton Jiménez, K., Harrison, E., Friedman, M., McPhail, D. & Tidgwell, T. (2016). Through Thick and Thin: Storying queer women’s experiences of idealized body images and expected body management practices. Psychology of Sexualities Review, 7(2), 63-77.

Sutherland, O.A., Couture, S., Gaete Silva, J., Strong, T., LaMarre, A. & Hardt, L. (2016). Social justice oriented diagnostic discussions: A discursive perspective. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 28(2-3), 76-99.

LaMarre, A., Bishop-Williams, K., Racey, M., Day, L. & Meeks, T. (2016). Designing a culture of co-learning: Mobilizing knowledge about KMb amongst graduate students. Scholarly Research and Communication, 7(1), 1-15. 

LaMarre, A. & Rice, C. (2016). Embodying critical and corporeal methodology: Digital storytelling with young women in eating disorder recovery. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 17(2), Art. 7

LaMarre, A., Robson, J. & Dawczyk, A. (2015). Mothers' use of blogs while engaged in family based treatment for a child's eating disorder. Families, Systems & Health, 33(4), 390-4.

LaMarre, A. & Rice, C. (2015). Normal eating is counter-cultural: Embodied experiences of eating disorder recovery. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. DOI: 10.1002/casp.2240

LaMarre, A. & Sutherland, O. (2014). Expert opinion? A micro-analysis of eating disorder talk on Dr. Phil. The Qualitative Report, 19(86), 1-20.

LaMarre, A., Bergen, A. & Devereaux, R. (2012). Youth harm reduction programs in Ontario: Report and expansion report., 2013.

LaMarre, A. & Hunter, L. (2012). The use of community engaged learning in the teaching of the sociology of deviance. Teaching and Learning Innovations Journal, 15, 1-23.

Book Chapters

LaMarre, A., Rice, C. & Rinaldi, J. (2019). Tracing fatness through the eating disorder assemblage. In Friedman, M., Rice, C. & Rinaldi, J. (Eds). Thickening Fat: Fat Bodies, Intersectionality, and Social Justice. New York: Routledge.

LaMarre, A. (2019). Social media and eating disorders: Untangling the web. Pp. 164-180 in Morrissey, J. & Oberlin, K. Working with People Affected by Eating Disorders: Developing Skills and Facilitating Recovery. New York: Macmillan International Higher Education Red Globe Press.

Tseliou, E., Smoliak, O., LaMarre, A. & Quinn-Nilas, C. (2019). Discursive psychology as applied science. Pp. 400-418 in O’Doherty, K.C. & Hodgetts, D. The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Psychology. London: Sage.

LaMarre, A. & Danielsdottir, S. (2019). Health at Every Size: A social-justice informed approach to embodiment. Chapter 28 in Tylka, T. & Piran, N. Handbook of positive body image: Constructs, protective factors, and interventions. Oxford University Press. 

Sage, M., Singer, J. B., LaMarre, A., & Rice, C. (2018). Digital storytelling: Tools, techniques and traditions. In L. Goldkind, L. Wolf & P. P. Freddolino, Eds. Digital Social Work: Tools for practice with individuals, organizations, and communities (pp. 90 – 108). New York: Oxford University Press.

Rice, C., LaMarre, A. & Mykitiuk, R. (2018). Cripping the ethics of disability arts research. In MacLeod, C., Marx, J., Mnyaka, P. & Treharne, G. Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research (pp. 257-272). Palgrave.

Gazzola, N., LaMarre, A. & Sutherland, O. (2017). Social justice and advocacy: Critical issues in counsellor education. In Paré, D. & Audet, C. Social justice in counselling. Routledge.

Rinaldi, J., LaMarre, A. & Rice, C. (2016). Recovering bodies: The production of the recoverable subject in eating disorder treatment regimes. (pp. 157-170). In Coffey, J., Budgeon, S. & Cahill, H. Learning bodies: The body in youth and childhood studies. Singapore: Springer Press.

LaMarre, A., Rice, C., & Bear, M. (2015). Unrecoverable? Prescriptions and possibilities for eating disorder recovery. (Pp. 145-160) In Khanlou, N. & Pilkington, B. Women's mental health: International perspectives on resistance and resilience in community and society. Toronto: Springer Press.